Social Media has become such an important aspect of everyone’s daily life today that little dose of this is needed to keep you going same like medicine. It’s not just for entertainment but you can also make a living out of it if you use it efficiently.
It is important to be aware about technology but more importantly how to use and channelize it in your daily life. Instagram is one such application. People are literally hooked to Instagram for hours.
You can find everything on Instagram from clothes to accessories to shoes. Everyone nowadays is turning the business more online due to huge customer base as there are lakhs of people watching your product or brand at a time. And how to improve your online business with just right Instagram hash-tags is all you need to know.
This article will help you to discover how many hash-tags to use for maximum benefits and best results from your instagram post. Understanding the recipe of the structure of instagram hash-tag more effectively Every product or brand has its own audience.
There are countless hash-tags you can always use to highlight your brand, connect with more people and more importantly have a loyal audience for your brand.
You need to know your brand well so can use hash-tags correctly which are associated with your brand or product.
It will obviously take you some time to know your best hash-tags and also some strategic research but it will surely come with time and effort. For running a business effectively and efficiently the biggest ideas are executed through strategies.
You will also require a well crafted strategy.
Having real conversations with your audience, coming up with giveaways and genuine product will help you drive more followers and customers.
Also giving 24*7 customer support is important. Each and every query should be answered making the follower or customer know more about your brand which will help them to build trust against your brand.
The best part is instagram provides you to let use 30 hash-tags per post. Isn’t that just great! So if you include different hash-tags for just one post and whoever searches for even one hash-tag will be able to see your post and your page on instagram.
One hash-tag search shows all the products and post that are related to that hash-tag. Now let us understand how to build strategy by using hash-tags in an effective way. How will you find your best hash-tags?
All you will need is to combine hash-tags from 4 categories. This combination will help you maximize and boost your post to a level which will ensure you your target audience. Also the best of your hash-tag combinations you make, you can include that in all your each and every Instagram post.
Here we go:- Select extremely popular hash-tags that can be about 5 to 7 hash-tags. And how will you find them, the easy way is to find such hash-tags which have about 1,00,000 to 5,00,000 Instagram post associated to them.
The more popular the hash-tag is people will find your post easily. Also to remember here is not to go for such hash-tags which are super-popular and garners more than 5, 00,000 invites as it will divide the attention from your post to other posts and hence your activity will get directly ignored within seconds of posting the same.
It will go unseen and the desired results can get delayed. You can also identify moderately popular Instagram hash-tags which garners about 10,000 to 1, 00,000 posts which are similar with your hash-tag. You can include 5 to 7 of these hash-tags in your each post.
The main hash-tags are those that are highly associated with your core business. You can choose 3 – 5 niche specific hash-tags which have around 10,000 or fewer posts having same kind of content. These hash-tags will help you connect to your actual audience and those you are actually searching for your kind of product.
The last hash-tag that you can us is the brand hash-tag. These are those hash-tags which you can use exclusively to highlight your brand name.
They may be any hash-tag that is solely brand specific or related to your campaign. You can incorporate variety of hash-tags in your post just by using the above mentioned formulas.
Also the reason we have provided with this specific recipe of hash-tags is proportionate to how hash-tags are sorted by algorithm in each hash-tag hub. Each piece of content is reviewed by instagram to look at the attention it generates from both the followers as well as non-followers for performance purpose.

When one uses popular hash-tag in each of its post, the content of such post appears in searches for seconds into minutes.
Hence, this helps generate more viewers and generate an immediate burst of activity on your post.
All different hash-tags has different purpose to be used, for example, when you use and include moderately popular hash-tags in a post it will help you keep your content active in those search results for wee hours and letting the Instagram know about the long lifespan of your content and post which will further help all your other posts as well.
And then finally there are niche-specific hash-tags that help you to stand out. There is a good chance that your post will appear in top searches with the niche-specific hash-tags because you followers will be interacting with your content and post and the hash-tags will help you keep your content spiking with activities.
How to Use Best Hash-tag for Maximum Visibility on each post
Now that you have understood what hash-tags to use and a strategic recipe for good hash-tag let’s focus on how to determine the best one specifically for your brand. It is important that all the hash-tags you use should be connected to your brand and content as well as your industry.
You should use content hash-tags that are directly related to the product that you are posting about. For example if you want to reach to target audience for your wedding decor then hash-tags can be like this for example – #bride-to-be, #wedding ceremony, and #wedding flowers and #wedding bouquet.
Industry hash-tags will also help you not directly but would be specific to your goods industry and its people that you serve. For the same example mentioned above these hash-tags be like example #wedding ideas, #wedding photography, #Junebugwedding and #wedding photographer.
Niche hash- tags will help you to connect with your clients that you want to build loyal relationship with. These Instagram hash-tags are with specific names for example #ohioweddingphotographer, #ohioweddingphotography, #daytonweddingphotographer, and cincinatiweddingphotographer and #columbusweddingphotographer.
You should also use branded hash-tags. These are those hash-tags that your customer/follower will use to tag you in their post and promote the same on Instagram.

Whenever a person buys a product they always tag your post from which they bought this for other people to view as well.
This includes the name of your brand for example #britjaye. Conclusion Lastly, I would like to conclude that for your brand, you will have to create a list of hash-tags to satisfy these various categories.
Content hash-tags typically vary depending upon the items and location that you are at and want to post about.
Also your industry hash-tags, niche hash-tags and branded hash-tags must showcase your brand well which will further help all your content and post to boost up. Always remember that industry hash-tags would be all the aspects related to your industry as a whole, whereas your niche hash-tags will help you to develop the much targeted solution you will offer.
Even after this, if you struggle to find hash-tags for your brand, you can look for hash-tag inspiration from others belonging to the same industry. You can always check other hash-tags that other people use for their content and post and check whether those are good option for your brand.
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