How to Dominate Prospecting In Canada

We’ve all heard the old school methods of prospecting in Canada and elsewhere: Make a list of your circle of influence, your family, friends, and occasional acquaintances. Prospect every single one of them by phone and invite them to a home meeting. Go out and everyone that gets within 3ft of you is now your prospect.

Internet marketing successBut you’re supposed to come off to that prospect as someone who doesn’t need them in your business.

So you need to get that prospects phone number, then call that prospect and set a time to meet. I understand that there is a lot of money in your warm market prospects.

But the problem with your warm market prospects is that most if not all become extremely skeptical the minute they get the impression you are trying to sell them something.

My family, in particular, wanted to see me have some success before they would even consider sitting down with me to talk about my business.

So here’s the deal ladies and gentlemen. You need qualified prospects! You can either use the old school methods of prospecting (which has a 98.5% failure rate) and waste your time going out prospecting every stranger you see.

Or you can be an example to your family, make them want to come and work with you, and forget to prospect everyone that comes within 3ft of you. It’s time to learn the New Methods of Prospecting in Canada or wherever your business is located. The new number one rule of prospecting:

Know your Target Market; it’s time to learn that not everybody is your prospect.

Some people are so skeptical that they run whenever someone even appears to be selling something. Some love their so called J-O-B and others just aren’t ready yet. So don’t waste your time prospecting these people.

However, some people are in search of a new business opportunity. These prospects are sick and tired of their J-O-B, others are so far in debt they are looking for some kind of a solution, and others are just not satisfied with average. These are the people that we want as prospects.

These days it has become much easier to stay in contact with your new and old prospects. With the click of a button, you can send an e-mail out to 1000’s of people.

They say a big reason why prospects don’t join your business is that of timing is wrong, and what happens with those prospects is we lose their number, or the prospect just loses interest in our business because we are not keeping in good enough contact with that prospect.

Then someone else comes along and shows their product or business to that prospect and that prospect gets excited and begins to work with them.

By using an autoresponder we can build a relationship with our prospects and catch our prospects when the timing is right. If you would like more information about effective prospecting methods using online marketing sign up for the CITA Financial Mastery Newsletter Here. And check out this article on how to acquire sales leads here Sales Leads Canada

Make it happen,
