Best Ways To Grow Your Business Online Without Spending A Ton of Money

Facebook Marketing Funnels

Are You Spending Too Much or Not Enough Money on Your Online Business?

Do you want to grow your business online? One of the biggest mistakes most beginners to online marketing make is they assume that they can start an online business for free and rake in the profits without much investment.

The truth of the matter is that the opposite holds true. While setting up an online business requires a much lower investment as compared to a brick and mortar store, you’ll still need to spend money to get your business off the ground.

Notice the word ‘business’ in the term ‘online business?’ – That’s exactly what it is. It’s a business and you will need to spend money on it. It’s called capital.

You’ll need to buy a domain. You’ll need to pay for hosting monthly and for an autoresponder to build your list of prospects. These are the basic but crucial fundamentals to setting up an online business.

If you try to skimp on costs here and build your web pages on someone else’s web property, you’ll be subject to their whims and fancies.
One good example would be Squidoo, where thousands of marketers built Squidoo lenses for a while and one day woke up to see that their hard work had gone to waste once Squidoo changed its terms of service.

So, you absolutely want to invest in your own business and retain control over it. If you’re new to online marketing and funds are short, you may wish to provide services online and generate an income first before you start off on your online business.

There are freelance websites like and that will give any newbie a chance to make some money online. Yes, you will be trading hours for dollars but you’ll be saving up capital for your own business.

On the flip side, there are beginner marketers who buy and invest in products and services that are way too costly for them. If you’re just starting off online, you do NOT need to pay for an entire year of hosting all at once. You can choose the monthly option and it will be less of a burden on you.

Another mistake is to assume that you need the most expensive tools to ensure your online success. One good example would be paying a hefty sum for services like ClickFunnels and Infusionsoft. Despite the fact that these are excellent services, you don’t need them to build a profitable online business when you’re starting off.
Here is a video that goes more into what a slaes funnel is and whether you need one:

You can choose much more affordable options like Thrive Themes to build your sales pages, etc. and Aweber or Get Response which provide similar services as Infusionsoft, just without the bells and whistles… and the hefty price tag.
Wait till you’re generating a substantial income online and it reaches a point where you need better tools to scale up. Then, you can go with the better and costlier options to take your business to the next level.

Another tip for newbies is to watch their expenses very closely and only spend on products that will take your business to greater heights. Do not keep splurging on ‘Make Money Online’ guides and software that make bold and unsubstantiated promises.

Thousands of people have spent a ton of money on rehashed and untested products that were nothing more than hype and empty promises. This industry, unfortunately, is awash with such products and they’re the norm rather than the exception. Caveat emptor is the rule here. Buyer beware.
Avoid spending a ton of money to grow your business online. Check out this start to finish you tube video on FAcebook Ads
How To Create A Facebook AD 2021 – From Start To Finish – YouTube

If you want to grow your business online it is important that business owners understand the basics of writing a good advertisement.

All businesses need promotion. I have seen thousands and millions of dollars wasted on ineffective, poor or outright bad ads—and I want to save you that pain. But most importantly, I want you to expand your business and effective advertising in all its forms is essential.

After all, you need new customers because without them your business will fail. The good news is that the core principles of how to produce a proper advertisement apply to practically anything you may want to use as a promotional tool.

This includes, but is not limited to:

It can take a bit of trial and error (testing) to build an ad or ad campaign that really works, but following these 11 tried and true tips can help you get the results that you’re hoping for.

Read More: How To Create A Facebook AD 2019 – From Start To Finish – YouTube

Best ways to grow your business online

Track your online expenses like a hawk… and spend what you need to in order for your business to flourish. Wise spending is part of wise investing… and it is of paramount importance that you not be penny-wise and pound-foolish.
Like Warren Buffet said, “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” Watch both closely.
And Lastly, when building sales funnels to grow your business online or offline remember that it is not just your cost per click, but you cost per lead that counts. You cn et cheap clicks from your advertisng, but if this is not translating into new customers then youa re wasting your time.
There are many proven strategies for growing your business online using Facebook ads. It is imperative that you know what you are doing bfefore you use this option, but once you learn and master the skill you can use it for life in any business you so choose. Done properly you ca have cheap clicks and new customers on tap.
Here is another article to help you get started creating successful Ads on Facebook.
How to Create Your First, Successful Facebook Ad Creatives and …


Facebook Advertising Optimization Tool

The Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Advertising

Chapter 5

Writing by Massimo Chieruzzi

If this has been helpful you may also enjoy our post “13 Proven Ways To Make Money Online.” ALso if you optin to the Cash is the answer emails you’ll receive the “5 steps to Facebook Freedom” crash course as well as a Fecebook Ads in depth case study. Make sure you tell then Liam Maynard sent you if you choose to go further with the training.
Make it happen,